Monday, April 10, 2006

A teachers tale

I live around a lot of teachers. I like it. They are good people with good stories about lives being touched.
What has been so privately reassuring is how dedicated and hard working these people are after 20-25 years. While good teachers from my childhood stick out, some burnt out cookies are easily recalled.
Today's tale involves the recent round of parent teacher conferences at the nearby school. Of note was the progress of a fourth grader who began school with little command of English. The boy's work was excellent and he was making great strides.
As my teacher friend told the story, he mentioned how proud the parents were of their child. They talked of their dream for him to go to college. And then casually, the teacher mentioned that not only did the parents not speak English, they were not literate in their native tongue.
I shuddered at the idea that in my town in one generation a family has moved from illiteracy to fully bi-lingual literacy. This family will forever be changed. And so will the world.

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