Friday, April 06, 2007

One trillion dollars added to health care costs due to overweight Americans

Full disclosure: I've already sent a contribution to Obama's campaign.
Today NPR ran an audio clip of him talking to a crowd in Iowa. In speaking to health care costs, he mentioned that overwieght Americans add one trillion dollars to the cost of health care.
Afterwards, the interviewer talked with a person who said he liked Obama's talk -- until that point, he said " for obvious reasons" and he pointed to his fullsized belly.
It made me think -- first, about the politics for 'my' candidate. With 2/3s of Americans overweight, is saying that a political liability.
Which then takes me to the question of leadership -- do we need politicians who are willing to speak the unpopular.
Which then takes me to an insurance form that asked me about my lifestyle: whether I smoked, skydive, etc.
Reflecting on that, I am guessing my insurance costs are based, in part, on whether I smoke, for example.
I don't -- but if I did -- should I pay a higher rate for insurance given the likelihood of increased health care costs, say, for a lung transplant, heart medication, etc.
If I should, then should I also pay a higher rate for insurance for a nutritional lifestlyle that may incur more medical costs than someone else?

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