Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where I will be Aug 2

Last year we stumbled upon this event. We were in Woodburn for a house dedication. Afterwards, we stopped downtown. Huge, noisy, tasty-smelling event. I think we were the only Anglos there.
I remember ordering a burrito at a very busy food booth. I was handed a slip with a number on it. It was something like 099. The cook was calling out completed orders in Spanish. I was searching my memory. My Spanish sort of petered out after the number 50.
As the numbers were called out, people stepped up for their food.
Finally a number was called -- and I couldn't translate.
It was like that debit card TV ad where a well-run operation stops.
Finally, a kindly senora said gently to the cook, "Americano."
He asked in English if I was 99 and I took my burrito.
It was a wonderful moment and memory.
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