It's been many, many years since I've cried out of joy for my country. More often, they were tears of sadness or disappointment.
We never have TV on during dinner. It is a family time of sharing. Last night was a different time of sharing. TV was on.
Last night, watching TV with my family, I was emotionally transported back to my childhood. My childhood was a time when we always watched TV -- together.
Last night I felt an old, odd sense of hope, of joy, of pride.
I said quietly, "the world is looking at the new face of America."
Somewhere, on the other side of the world, a teenager in a third world country is being recruited as a terriorist. He opens his local paper. He looks at this face. I am guessing today -- unlike any other day in history -- there is a question that was never asked before, "this is the face of my enemy?"

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