Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"Our news report on starving kids in Africa will be shown next week so we can talk about a mayor's photos"

Posted by The Associated Press January 19, 2008 17:32PM
-- Mayor Carmen Kontur-Gronquist, whose MySpace photos of her posing in black lingerie on a fire engine put this Columbia River town of 600 into something of a pother, told ABC's 20/20 Friday night that she's not stepping down.
"They're going to have to drag me out of here," she said.
Some residents are howling for her job. Others say they see no problem. But school board member Grant Wilkins said what she was wearing and where the pictures were taken was "questionable."
"The first lesson that I learned (as mayor) is that you'll never make everybody happy. That's the toughest," said Kontur-Gronquist, 42, the first woman to hold the unpaid position.
At a council meeting this month some people asked for her to resign. She said she had no comment.
"I took this office. Those photos have nothing to do with me and my ability of being mayor," she said.
She said they had permission from the fire chief to use the engine. The woman who took the photos was a volunteer firefighter.
Kontur-Gronquist said she envisioned the pictures in a contest about fitness in women. "I said, 'Oh, what the hell,' so the pictures were taken." She said she didn't send them in because she didn't think they were good enough.
She said a relative decided to set her up with a MySpace page, hoping it would jump-start the single mom's social life. --- end of Associated Press news report.

Comment by Greg:
After 20 years of reporting on and being employed by politicians -- I can say, we expect too much from elected officials.
First of all, we need elected leaders just like we need people to take out the garbage or cook us fast food.
So, what do I expect from my garbage man?
I want him/her to do the job, be dependable and that's about it.
If he poses in his skivies somewhere -- I don't care.
If the garbage is gone when I come home from work -- then we have a good relationship.
Same with politicians.
As long as they show up and do the job, I don't care about their hobbies.
We expect far too much of our electeds.
Personal morality?Well Carter was one of the most moral presidents we had.Terribly ineffectual as commander in chief -- and in fact, contributed more to world peace and humanity after he left office.
Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy -- all had 'immoral relationships' but faced down Nazis and Commies.
Clinton was probably our most bumbling immoral -- but my 401K soared when he was in office. So -- to me, it's why do you hire the person?
Take out the garbage or be a role model?
I want an elected to go to all the boring meetings, keep track of finances, and get the pot holes filled.If they can do that, I am happy.

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