Today is an important day.
A day to remember our core values.
A day to remember our dreams.
To live...
As Dr. King said…
in a nation where our children they will not be judged by the color of their skin
but by the content of their character.
And if I may, also suggest, to not be judged by where they call home.
When the citizens of Clackamas County opened their arms and their hearts when news that Katrina survivors may need shelter,
There were voices that judged us -- not by our character, but by where we lived, by the color of our skin.
Voices that suggested we would not be appropriate hosts to fellow humans in need.
Let me say -- as a proud Clackamas County resident,
I took exception.
I am proud of Clackamas County --
For its beauty
For its collection of small and diverse communities.
For the lack of hesitation to open its arms to others in need.
We are -- as President Carter noted -- NOT a melting pot
but a beautiful mosaic.
Different people,
different beliefs,
different yearnings,
different hopes,
But let us share in the dream.
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