Saturday, March 04, 2006

A world I could never have imagined

A few minutes ago, Sidney, our 3 year old neighbor, called to me from upstairs where she had been playing with our daughter.
Sid was saying "schoo" -- I thought she meant she wanted her shoes put on, which were laying on the ground.
When I held up a shoe she shook her head and pointed at me and said, "schoo" -- or in Sidneyese -- you.

She lifted her arms in the international gesture of asking to be lifted.
I picked her up and she put her head down on my shoulder.
We went to the sofa where I pulled a blanket over her and she went to sleep.

A world I could never have imagined -- one where a non-relative child feels so good and loved in the world that a neighbor is a safe and desired place to nap.

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