Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Our old pal Melissa
Now co-owner of a winery.
At the end of a long 2006 season.
Great to see you and Doug again.
Friday, November 24, 2006
I never thought I would do this
This is a line.
A line at Canby Fred Meyer.
On the day after Thanksgiving.
At 4:55 am.
There was...a sense of community to it.
A tribal experience.
I walked into the electronics department and saw a person with 3 discounted TVs in her cart.
Some folks almost seemed to have a panic about them -- there were products being sold I've got to get them first.
For a moment I thought --gosh I need to run around something.
So I bought some socks.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Best Part of the Ducks 2006 Season
Tailgating -- in this photo, inside Randy and Manson's heated tent.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Expecting to hear the voice of God

There was a break in the weather so Simba and I decided to take a walk to the meadow and take a few photos. I have been reading on ways to take better photos and was anxious to make use of a day with changing light. We snapped a few of the brown ferns -- and then waited as the clouds began to move.....

looking outside the cabin
Friday, November 10, 2006
a fungi by the side of the road
Monday, November 06, 2006
Reunion reflections

My uncle sent me a note about his 50th class reunion. In it, he spoke of being envious of other kid's families. It reminded me about a reunion I had.
I remember going to a wedding with Kim in Olympia. Kim and her girlfriends were bonding so I contacted my best friend from college. We had been roommates and experienced much life together. I admired his family. I wished it was my own. Over drinks, I confessed to Dave for the first time how much I envied his family. How one time in particular, Dave and I were out fishing in Puget Sound. I was silently watching him skillfully prepares his tackle. I clumsily tied a square knot on my line and tossed it in the water.
That night I told Dave about that moment -- how I ached that I didn't have the type of father-son relationship he had where the manly arts of fishing were handed down.
Dave laughed a sincere laugh.
Dave said, "my dad didn't teach me any of that. I had to read a book." Dave went on, "the family man thing was all fake. We pretended because dad was a minister. But even now -- he never comes to visit our kids -- his grandkids."
It was an odd moment.
I realized I carried a lifelong envy of something that only appeared to exist.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
A new addition to the family
Meet Casper -- as in the friendly ghost.
It's been a year since we said goodbye to Ashley the cat.
Ash had been through 3 moves with us and many things. We loved and missed him much.
But it was time for a kitten. Our pup Simba couldn't make friends with psychocat Lolo -- and Casper seems to be doing much better in the interspecie relationships.