The Village of Yelapa

A small town south of Puerto Vallarta -- no roads into it -- accessable only by boat. Electricity only in the last five years.
Here we see the bay and the wonderfully casual nature of repair and self-responsibility of Mexico.
There is a story about an American who tripped on one of the many broken streets in Mexico. He did was he would do in the US and sued the city. The case went to court and the city produced two men who surveyed the same street for two days and reported everyone else stepped over the crack. The judged ruled that the injury was the fault of the American -- he should have been paying more attention.

This little friend was hanging in the sun along one of the paths (not really a street) of Yelapa.
Free-range reptiles. I hear that the government has banned the practice of vendors carrying these animals around for photos with tourists because it encourages capture of them. Good idea.